Exposición CAMINAR POR LAS VEREDAS, Fotoperiodistas:Abd, Calviño, Colombo, Cosenza, García, Longoni, Merle, Nedelcu, Pisarenko. Curadora Laura Casanovas. El Obrador Centro Creativo, 2023
Exposición CAMINAR POR LAS VEREDAS, curadora Laura Casanovas. Ciclo Democracia e imágenes. D. Garcia, E. Longoni, M. Nedelcu. El Obrador Centro Creativo, 2023
Exposición CRUCE DE TIEMPOS, artista y curadora Patricia Hakim. Sala La Rueca, El Obrador Centro Creativo, 2023
Exposición CRUCE DE TIEMPOS, artista y curadora Patricia Hakim. Ciclo Arte, Gestión y Producción. El Obrador Centro Creativo, 2023
TERRITORIOS EN POLIFONÍA Inauguración oficial con el embajador del Brasil. Palacio Pereda, CABA, 2022
Exposición TERRITORIOS EN POLIFONÍA. 13 artistas sudamericanas de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Chile y Paraguay en 2 sedes. Inauguración oficial Palacio Pereda - Embajada del Brasil. CABA, 2022
Territories in Polyphony. Exhibition of 13 South American artists. El Obrador Centro Creativo. Bicentenary 2022. Curatorship Mariana Rodríguez Iglesias, 2022
Tribute exhibition on LOLA FREXAS (1924-2011) Pintora de Matices. Curator Gabriela Vicente Irrazabal. In coordination with various private and public collections. La Rueca Hall, El Obrador. 2021/22
Tribute exhibition on LOLA FREXAS (1924-2011) Pintora de Matices. Curator Gabriela Vicente Irrazabal. In coordination with various private and public collections. La Rueca Hall, El Obrador. 2021/22
Documentary exhibition on Chüüyü Wülach/Meseta de Somuncurá, by Campo Abierto. La Rueca Hall, El obrador. Supported by Fundación Pro Helvetia and the Swiss embassy. 2021
Documentary exhibition on Chüüyü Wülach/Meseta de Somuncurá, by Campo Abierto. Lecture on the current Günün a Küna people, at the auditorium, in El obrador. 2021
Documentary exhibition Chüüyü Wülach/Meseta de Somuncurá. By Campo Abierto. At La Rueca Hall, El Obrador. 2021
Documentary and commemorative exhibition on CROMAÑÓN 15 años. La Rueca hall, el Obrador. 2020/19
Documentary and commemorative exhibition on CROMAÑÓN 15 años. La Rueca hall, el Obrador. 2020/19
MORADAS Painting exhibition by Cristina Rochaix and Andrea Szatmary, curatorship by Nora Arrechea and María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. 2018
MORADAS Painting exhibition by Cristina Rochaix and Andrea Szatmary, curatorship by Nora Arrechea and María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. 2018
MORADAS Painting exhibition by Cristina Rochaix and Andrea Szatmary, curatorship by Nora Arrechea and María Emilia Marroquín. Activity with students from Public School N 13. Casa Matienzo. 2018
Painting exhibition by FELIPE PINO. Anecdotario. Curatorship: Nora Arrechea - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. 2017
Painting exhibition by FELIPE PINO. Anecdotario. Curatorship: Nora Arrechea - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. 2017
CONVERSACION, painting and textures exhibition by Ana Efron and Florencia Walfisch, curatorship by Maria Emilia Marroquin. Casa Matienzo. 2016
CONVERSACION, painting and textures exhibition by Ana Efron and Florencia Walfisch, curatorship by Maria Emilia Marroquin. Casa Matienzo. 2016
NARANJA Y BLANCO installation exhibition by Cristina Tomsig, curatorship by Nora Arrechea and Maria Emilia Marroquin. Casa Matienzo. 2016
NARANJA Y BLANCO installation exhibition by Cristina Tomsig, curatorship by Nora Arrechea and Maria Emilia Marroquin. Casa Matienzo. 2016
MODO DE ESTAR retrospective exhibition, by Irene Banchero. Curatorship team: Nora Arrechea - María Emilia Marroquín- Silvia Dick Naya. Casa Matienzo. 2015
MODO DE ESTAR retrospective exhibition, by Irene Banchero. Curatorship team: Nora Arrechea - María Emilia Marroquín- Silvia Dick Naya. Casa Matienzo. 2015
Management of the mural painting - La piel de los espejos - in the neighborhood of Colegiales. Designed and accomplished by Juan Cuello and FLow Lagos. With the support from Mecenazgo Cutural. 2015
Management of the mural painting - La piel de los espejos - in the neighborhood of Colegiales. Designed and accomplished by Juan Cuello and FLow Lagos. With the support from Mecenazgo Cutural. 2015
ANTOLOGÍA POÉTICA, collage exhibition. Artist coordinator Eduardo Stupía. Curatorship team Arrechea - Dick Naya - Marroquin. 2015
ANTOLOGÍA POÉTICA, collage exhibition. Artist coordinator Eduardo Stupía. Curatorship team Arrechea - Dick Naya - Marroquin. 2015
CONTINUAS RUPTURAS exhibition by Alejandro Scasso. Curatorship: Tulio De Sagastizábal - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. 2015
CONTINUAS RUPTURAS exhibition by Alejandro Scasso. Curatorship: Tulio De Sagastizábal - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. 2015
VINCULOS exhibition. Webb - Siguelboim Curatorship team Arrechea - Dick Naya - Marroquin. 2014
VINCULOS exhibition. Webb - Siguelboim Curatorship team Arrechea - Dick Naya - Marroquin. 2014
ALTERACIONES EN EL TIEMPO exhibition by Eugenia Lauses - Mariana Nougués. Curatorship by Maria E. Marroquin. 2014
Inauguration and award ceremony of the 1st Collegiate Painting Hall. Project carried out together with Perotti Gallery, 2013
Exhibition 1st Collegiate Painting Hall, curated by Eugenia Garay Basualdo. Project carried out together with Perotti Gallery. 2013
With more than 15 years of experience, her professional practice includes artistic direction, curatorial practice and the management of cultural, exhibition and institutional projects. She is co-founder and director of the cultural centre ‘Casa Matienzo’ (2008 - 2019) and General Coordinator of ‘El Obrador Centro Creativo’ (2019 to May 2024) where she also manages the exhibition programme of the exhibition hall La Rueca.
Projects managed in a network of organizations
- 2024. PHILANTHROPY. Benito Quinquela Martín as a social transformer.
Documentary exhibition made up of archive material, engravings, oil paintings, ceramics, drawings and charcoals.
Curated by: Gabriela Vicente Irrazábal.
Organized by: El Obrador Creative Center in collaboration with Fundación Industrias Culturales Argentinas.
Collections contribute: Foundation Industrias Culturales Argentinas, La Boca Museum of Fine Arts of Argentine Artists 'Benito Quinquela Martín', Tigre Art Museum, ARTHAUS Foundation and Mose Collection.
Press: Quinquela, filántropo y emprendedor- por Laura Casanovas. Clarín 5/03/24
Una muestra sobre la obra social de B Q M en La Boca- por Mariana Sepúlveda. Infobae 27/02/2024
- 2023. 40 Years of Democracy and Photojournalism
This exhibition brings together the work of nine renowned Argentine photojournalists in the context of 40 years of uninterrupted democracy in the country. Featuring over 50 photographs, it bears witness to the individual and collective visual history and memory of Argentina from the sidewalk, metaphorically representing a public space. As part of the exhibition, three panel discussions were held with the participation of photojournalists, researchers, and historians.
Press: Fotografías en las veredas: La democracia de a pie, por Héctor Pavon, Clarín, 06/07/2023
- 2022. Territories in Polyphony
As part of the Bicentennial of Brazil's Independence, from September 15th to December 15th, at the Cultural Space of the Pereda Palace - Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires and at El Obrador Creative Center, La Rueca Room, a double exhibition featuring thirteen female artists from Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and Paraguay. These artists came together during the pandemic to create artwork in dialogue from their homes and through digital platforms. The project includes a Thought Exchange Series that brings together different curators, cultural managers, and contemporary art theorists.
Curated by: Mariana Rodríguez Iglesias
Project Management: Maria Emilia Marroquín
Organized by: El Obrador and Casa Matienzo. With the support of: The Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires. Endorsed by: Residence in Residencies, Parque de la Memoria Museum, and Cornelio Saavedra Museum.
- 2021. November. ExhibitionLOLA FREXAS (1924-2011) Pintora de Matices Tribute to the renowned Argentine watercolorist on the tenth anniversary of her death.
Curatorship: Gabriela Vicente Irrazabal.
La Rueca room, El Obrador Creative Center.
In collaboration with private collectors and the following organizations: Mediterranean Gallery, Manzana de las Luces Historical Research Institute, Ministry of Economy Cultural Heritage Coordination, Mose Collection, Tigre Art Museum and Simik Photographic Museum.
- 2021. September. Documentary exhibition Chüüyü Wülach/Somuncurá Plateau,
that narrates and reconstructs through multiple registers (audiovisual, photographic, sound, performance and testimonial), the life of the Günün a küna People.
La Rueca room, El Obrador Creative Center.
Artists: Open Field. (www.campoabierto.ch)
Organized by: El Obrador and Casa Matienzo.
With the support of: Fundación Pro Helvetia (southamerica.prohelvetia.org/es) within the framework of its "COINCIDENCIA" program in South America, OPG - Organization of the Günün a küna People and the Swiss Embassy in Argentina.
- 2019. December. CROMAÑÓN 15 years, documentary and commemorative exhibition
that through various registers (photographic, audiovisual, informative and journalistic) makes "Cromañón" visible as a founding event of a before and after in Argentine social and cultural history.
Curatorship: Maria Emilia Marroquin.
Organizes: El Obrador Creative Center in alliance with Civil Association Families for Life.
Adheres: Association of the Staff of the Control Organizations (APOC)
Declared of interest for the promotion of human rights by the Human Rights commission of the Buenos Aires legislature.
Press: Diario Perfil, Cromañón: una canción y una muestra, para recordar.
- 2015. Visual Arts Program: Management of the realization of
Mural painting - The skin of the mirrors - in Colegiales, with the aim of promoting the strengthening of social ties and contributing to the development of neighborhood identity. It sought to generate different and multiple spaces for exchange and encounter with art.
Accompanies Medianeras Public Art Platform.
Scholarship training program for emerging artists by Juan Cuello.
Exhibition program at the Casa Matienzo headquarters.
With the support of the CABA Cultural Patronage Promotion Law.
Press: Arsomnibus, FIESTA cierre 2015 en Casa Matienzo.
- 2013. First Colegiales Casa Matienzo Painting Salon together with Perotti Gallery - Painting contest to promote the production of emerging artists from the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires, within the framework of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Colegiales.
With the support of Vorterix Producciones, OSPOCE-APOC, CIC (cinematographic research center).
Declared cultural interest by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires.
Press: Arsomnibus, Primer Salón Colegiales Pintura 2013
Arte Online, Primer salón colegiales pintura
Exhibition curatorships:
- 2023. July: Exhibition at the artist's Atelier with Carla Beretta and Rita Simoni -Sach 9th edition.
- 2023. April: Exhibition at the artist's Atelier with Liliana Fleurquin -Sach 8th edition
- 2022. Territories in Polyphony. 13 South American Artists from 6 countries, in two venues: Cultural Space of the Pereda Palace (Embassy of Brazil) and at El Obrador Creative Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2022. Exhibition at the artist's Atelier with Rita Simoni -Sach 7th edition
- 2022. Rituals in Round. Collective Exhibition organized by Residence in Residencies. Curated by Rita Simoni and Milagro Torreblanca. Cultural Center of Cooperation. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2019. April, exhibition of paintings and textiles SANGRE Y SAVIA by Margarita Ezcurra and Rut Rubinson co-curated by Nora Arrechea and María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA.
- 2019. February, exhibition of paintings, drawings and ceramics DRY LANDSCAPE by Sylvina Bordino. Curated by Maria Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
- 2018. October, exhibition of MORADAS paintings by Cristina Rochaix and Andrea Szatmary co-curated by Nora Arrechea and Maria Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
- 2017. June, exhibition of FELIPE PINO paintings. Anecdotal. Co-curator: Nora Arrechea - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
Press: Arsomnibus, Casa Matienzo.
- 2016. October, installation exhibition NARANJA Y BLANCO by Cristina Tomsig, co-curated by Nora Arrechea and María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
Press: Arsomnibus, Naranja y Blanco
- 2016. March, exhibition of paintings and textiles CONVERSACIONES by Ana Efrón and Florencia Walfisch, curated by María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
- 2015. October, ANTOLOGÍA POÉTICA - COLLAGES. Di Giuseppe, Insúa, Maggi, Schoijett, Visconte. Host Artist: Eduardo Stupía. Curatorial team: Nora Arrechea - Silvia Dick Naya - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
Press: WorldDiagnosticNews, RPNEWS estuvo presente.
Arsomnibus, Antología Poética | collage
- 2015. September, exhibition CONTINUAS RUPTURAS by the artist Alejandro Scasso.
Co-Curatorship: Tulio De Sagastizábal - María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
- 2015. August, exhibition of photographs PUESTAS DE LUZ by Maru Pascariello and Corina Coria curated by María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA.
- 2015. July, Retrospective exhibition MODO DE ESTAR, by Irene Banchero. Co-curator: Nora Arrechea - María Emilia Marroquín- Silvia Dick Naya.Casa Matienzo. CABA.
Press: Arsomnibus, Modo de estar
- 2014. November, exhibition VÍNCULOS, of sculptures and reliefs by Paulina Webb and Norma Siguelboim, curated by María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA
- 2014. September, exhibition of engravings and objects ALTERACIONES EN EL TIEMPO by Mariana Nougués and Eugenia Luases. Curatorial team: Nora Arrechea, Maria Emilia Marroquín, Silvia Dick Naya. Casa Matienzo. CABA.
- 2012. July, exhibition of paintings by DAN.T. by Lorenzi curated by Maria Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA.
- 2012. May, exhibition of paintings and objects FREEDOM by Tomás Mugica curated by Maria Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA.
- 2011. September, exhibition of drawings LLUVIA by Javier Vázquez curated by María Emilia Marroquín. Casa Matienzo. CABA.